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Tips for Purchasing a New Kitchen Garbage Disposal

food waste in sink, modern kitchen disposal

How to Choose a Garbage Disposal

You may not give it much thought, but your garbage disposal system is an essential part of keeping your kitchen plumbing system in tip-top shape. It’s easy to take for granted until it goes out. Keep reading for some easy tips on keeping your disposal system running top-notch, from the experts.

Sometimes you might be in a hurry while cooking. You’re not thinking about what you’re doing while throwing waste into your kitchen sink including bones, cooking grease, and even glass.

While some of these may seem to be no-brainers, you’d be surprised at how easy it is to forget. So, what if there is a problem and your system goes out? There are some things to consider while looking at a new garbage disposal. The experts have given their advice below.

Don’t Overlook the Noise Level

noise level

There is nothing like hanging in the kitchen with your family while cooking a big meal. You’re all having a great conversation and then you turn on the disposal and all conversation stops.

Alternatively, the big game is on TV, and your team is about to score. Just as you hear the announcement, it’s drowned out by the ruckus in the kitchen. Go figure.

Have you ever noticed that happen in your home? If the answer is yes, then you’re in luck. The plumbing experts have a surefire way to combat the uproar in your kitchen sink.

Yes, you can have a pleasantly quieter disposal system. Horsepower plays a large part in the noise level produced by your disposal system. The experts can all agree that the higher the HP, the quieter the machine.

Motor Size Makes a Difference

installing a garbage disposalThere are basically four different types of garbage disposal systems you can choose for your home:
  • ⅓ HP
  • ½ HP
  • ¾ HP
  • 1 HP

That’s good to know, but you’re probably wondering how this information can help you while choosing the motor size of your new appliance. Don’t worry! The expert plumbers can elaborate to help in your decision.

When it comes to the smallest option, ⅓ HP, it is generally recommended for a household that has a headcount of no more than one or two people. You can get by with a ½ HP engine if your family unit is no larger than three to six people.

A good ¾ HP engine on your new apparatus is what you need for up to eight people, but it could be better. The best option for your house if you have more than eight people using the kitchen is a solid 1 HP system. You could go bigger, but those garbage disposal systems are more geared toward commercial use.

Considering Garbage Disposal Warranties

So, you think you’ve picked out your perfect new machine and are ready to check out. Hold up! Did you stop to consider what would happen if the new one went out too? Your garbage disposal is what you rely on to help you clean up your unwanted food and waste.

Before you buy, the plumbing experts recommend looking at the warranty options your new machine includes. Your homeowner's insurance may cover certain malfunctions, but you should have a backup plan in place just in case.

Ideally, a garbage disposal should last for at least a decade. Warranty options differ from one model to another, and from manufacturer to manufacturer. A good warranty can range from two to seven years, but a great warranty can encompass the lifetime of the machine. In other words, a lifetime limited warranty. Be sure to investigate this critical feature before you make any decisions.

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The highly capable professionals at Towers Plumbing want to provide you with the superior customer care that you deserve. In business for over 75 years, no plumbing issue is too complicated, or unseen for Towers Plumbing to handle. Large or small, the staff at this highly-rated company is ready to handle all your plumbing-related needs!