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How To Fix A Blocked Drain

blocked drain

Fix Blocked Drains With These Pro Moves

Summer is coming to a close, and that means now is the perfect time for homeowners to take inventory of the health of their home plumbing systems. Yes, this may not sound like the most glamorous job, but it is extremely important if homeowners want to avoid nasty backups, specifically due to blocked drains.

There are a handful of very important do’s and don’ts when it comes to handling blocked drains. Following the do’s and avoiding the don’ts can make all the difference between minor fixes and major emergencies. Continue reading for a full run-down of the best ways for homeowners to handle blocked drain lines, as well as the number one pitfall to avoid!


Drain Snaking

Drain snaking is one of the most common and easiest ways to clear blocked drain lines and offers many benefits, specifically for minor, soft clogs that have not yet hardened and adhered to the inside of the pipes. Homeowners can easily purchase drain “snakes” from a local hardware store or retailer and do this themselves.

Sure, it may not be pleasant, but it can immediately get rid of the clog and keep costs low. Typically, homeowners must insert the end of the drain snake into the drain and rotate the handle, which will slowly undo the clog. The snake acts to break apart the debris that has built up inside the pipe - a truly fast and easy way to clear blockages! If homeowners do not feel comfortable doing this themselves, they can hire professionals to handle the drain snaking.



Another very common and easy way to clear blocked drain lines is through hydro-jetting. Think of this like a high-pressure hose that sends water through the pipe to facilitate breaking down clogs. The great thing about hydro jetting is that it is a noninvasive process to clear backups and is very environmentally friendly since it does not use chemicals.

Homeowners should consider hiring professionals to do the hydro-jetting process for them, as the machinery can sometimes be difficult to handle, and great precision is required. This will be well worth the investment, as hydro-jetting will be extremely effective in getting out the clog and doing so in a highly efficient manner.

Avoiding Liquid Drain Cleaners

Last but not least, it is extremely important to warn against the use of liquid drain cleaners. These cleaners can be very dangerous and should thus be avoided whenever possible. Aside from the sheer fact that the chemicals are very bad for the environment, liquid drain cleaners can cause septic issues and pipe damage.

Homeowners may be tempted to use these cleaners given the ease with which they can just pour the solution down the drain, but they must avoid this whenever possible. There are some great DIY options that can act as substitutes, including baking soda and vinegar solutions or boiling water. Homeowners should opt for these methods whenever possible.

About Towers Plumbing

Towers Plumbing of Salt Lake City, UT has been providing trusted solutions for over 75 years. Their team of expert technicians uses the latest technologies and provides quality workmanship, fast turnarounds, and satisfaction guaranteed for each and every one of their customers. Call them today for plumbing service!